Saturday, March 16, 2013

Raise Them On Your Knees

From the time they can see through the bars of their cribs, they’re observing you. The song “Every Breath You Take” instantly comes to mind. It’s especially tough to stay on our best behavior in front of them after we’ve been up all night with a baby that just won’t sleep or a kid with a nasty tummy bug. The next day we’re rather cranky, and when we hear “Mom?” or “Dad?” we snap back with an exasperated “What"? Sound familiar? I went through this recently with my oldest son and he replied with, “Um, never mind, I’ll ask Daddy”. In that moment, I realized that I’m teaching him to be grumpy and impatient. That isn’t exactly a lesson I wish to build upon.

What we say, how we say it, and what we do is being watched and absorbed by those sweet little pairs of eyes. In a world filled with so much anger and impatience, we should be shining examples of gentleness, patience and grace. So where do we find our strength to change our ways? As Christians, we rely on God by praying to Him and asking Him to help us to raise our children in His ways. We can put our kids in Sunday school, catechism, religious education classes, church summer camps or retreats, but they won’t apply what they learn unless it’s incorporated into their lives at home.

Mom and Dad, we have to become our child’s first teacher, particularly in the ways of the Lord. Proverbs talks A LOT about rods (ouch), but this verse is very significant for me as a parent; Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) If your children see you actively living out your faith by going to church and praying together as a family, when they are out on their own, the roots from the seed you planted will already have been well established. Will they stray for a little while? Possibly. We all have to try and find our own way. I was raised with parents that go to church and have a strong faith in God. I knew all about Jesus and accepting Him as my savior and learned to appreciate what Catholicism contributes to my faith life, but yet I still had a time where I strayed and wasn’t as devout as I had been in previous years. When all was said and done, I knew who I belonged to because the roots were already set in my heart thanks to my upbringing. I knew God was vital to my existence so the choice to “come back home” was easy. And the same may happen for your children. They may find worldly desires that are far more fun to chase than following God, but when they are left empty and tired after all that galavanting, they’ll quickly realize that it was God they were missing and they’ll have you to thank for being an example of what it means to remain faithful to God.

Constantly ask God for guidance in raising your children. Mom, have a servant’s heart, dress as a respectable lady should, be gentle, loving, and filled with God’s grace. You’ll teach your children that consulting with God will help them to make good choices and to be in constant pursuit of God’s own heart, and if you have a daughter, you're going to have a very happy son-in-law and grandchildren someday. Dad, be a gentleman, courageous, fair in discipline, kind, reliable, and firm in your faith. You’ll teach your children what it means to be wise and strong in times of adversity, and if you have sons, you’ll have reputable young men to send out into the world.

It takes so much more than baptizing your child and going through the motions. Christianity is a lifestyle, not something you do just on Sunday. Pray and read scripture together as a family throughout the week.The best thing you can give your children is the gift of faith, but you can’t do it all by yourself. You need God to be your guide. When they’re all grown and you get a compliment on how wonderful your children are, you can confidently say, “I raised them on my knees”.


  1. I love your Blog girl! Your an amazing writer ;) I actually am following this practice if you will for lent this year. I noticed I was being so short with my kiddos and yelling a lot and it wad not helping only making things worse because they were learning to yell back and at each other. I sat down and prayed about it, and things have been going a lot better. I struggled a little last night and asked for god to show me somthing and guess what I found this blog! It never fails to amazeme how the lord will privide for thoses who need it. Thanjs Jen!

    1. My pleasure! I pray that you continue to seek God in times of difficulty and be able to openly praise Him for all the good in your life...God bless you!
