There is so much to share about Aidan that I am having a hard time trying to condense all of my thoughts. He really is an amazing kid so full of life and laughter. He loves to be outside playing sports or trying to catch bugs and lizards. He really takes an interest in learning about Mother Nature (animals, plants, weather, etc.) He likes to talk about Jesus and hardly ever forgets to say grace before meals (rarely do we have to remind him). He’s got a million dollar smile and a heart as big as Texas. We couldn’t have asked for a better firstborn child.
Out of all three of my children, Aidan is the most
precocious. I sometimes forget that he’s only 7, especially when we talk about
matters of faith. He’s so mature when it comes to talking about God, but in
other areas he’s a little immature, and that’s ok. I’ll chalk that up to having
younger siblings. Aidan was born in August, so we were torn trying to decide
when he should start school. Academically, he was ready, but sometimes I wonder
if he was ready emotionally. I was kind of in the same boat as he is and I
turned out just fine (although that is probably questionable on some days…Ha!).
I think he may be behind a smidge socially, but he makes friends very easily
regardless, and what he may lack in social maturity, he makes up for it with a
big heart! He’s a well-liked kid and you can’t ask for more than that.
Being our oldest, I’m sure there are times when we are harder
on him than we should be, and I think part of that is because he doesn’t
believe in himself the way we believe in him. Humility is definitely one of the
strengths of his character. He’s always up for getting an “Atta boy!”, but when
you give it to him, he becomes a little shy. It’s funny how he’ll say or do
something funny for attention, and then when you give it to him, he’s embarrassed.
Actually, it’s not funny…It’s sweet. Sometimes he’ll get a little carried away
and bounce off the walls with excitement, but Aidan just wouldn’t be Aidan if
he didn’t. I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.
Aidan’s intuition is razor sharp, and he has a level of empathy
that I don’t even see in some adults. He can tell by just the tone of my voice
or by reading my facial expressions and body language what kind of mood I’m in.
He’s usually the first one to notice if I’m sick, too. He’ll sit by me, ask if
I’m sick, then proceed to give me a list of options (food, water, medicine, ice
packs, etc.) to choose from to help me feel better. About a month ago, I had
some really bad sinus issues. It was time for him to go to bed, but before he
went upstairs, he ran to the fridge, got a bottle of water, and put it on my
nightstand. He gently approached me on the couch, explained that he put water
next to the bed, gave me a hug and told me that he hopes I feel better in the
morning. Not many kids will do that. One day when I’m old and sick, I know he’s
going to be right there holding my hand. (Insert ugly cry!!!!)
We’ve asked him before on occasion what he wants to be when
he grows up. His go-to response is usually, “I want to work at home on the
computer like Daddy”. Maybe one day he can, but it’s hard getting him to
understand that not everybody gets to work from home like his Daddy. We’ve also
talked about him becoming a priest. Honestly, I see him more as a priest than I
do a husband. And he has all the qualities that would make him an amazing
priest. He’s humble, empathetic, compassionate, loving, forgiving, and most
importantly that boy loves Jesus. I can’t wait for him to experience Christ in
the Eucharist in just a few short weeks. I know he already has a love for the
Lord and this is only going to make it grow by leaps and bounds.
It’s sad to think that my big boy is going to be 8 this
summer. It seems like only yesterday that I held him for the first time. The
first six months of his life were so tough between GERD and having surgery to
correct it, but he got through it beautifully, thank God. One thing I learned
about him early on in his life is this; He is a fighter, and I hope that he
channels that passion to help change the world. He’s got it in him. We just
need to work on helping him to believe in himself more. There are times he
leaves me scratching my head with his silly antics, but I wish there were more
kids with a heart like his. He has what it takes to be an effective leader. We’re
going to keep working on encouraging him to give his best and not to settle for
anything less, and pray for him to have the wisdom he needs to make good
choices in his life.
Aidan Joseph, you won my heart from the first time you were
placed in my arms. You bring so much energy and excitement into our family. We
have our moments when we have to be tough with you, but it’s because we see so
many good qualities within you and we want you to see them, too. And you may
fight with your brother from time to time, but we see how much you love him,
especially when you try to offer him a helping hand. We also see how you adore
Bella even though there are several years between the two of you. You quickly
became her champion and I know you will always be there to love and protect
her. You make us so very proud every day, darling. Always be true to what’s in
that big heart of yours and it will never steer you wrong. We love you all the
sands on the shore and all the stars in the sky.
“Be kind to one
another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has
forgiven you.” – Ephesians 4:32
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