Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How I Wonder What You Are...

This past weekend, some dear friends of ours invited us over for dinner. It was a beautiful evening filled with delicious food, great conversation and lots of laughter. There was even a friendly game of horseshoes with my uber competitive husband (yes, he won…luck had everything to do with it). It was an all-around great night, but something so sweet and precious turned an already delightful evening into something I will never forget.

After we finished eating dinner, we were enjoying the cool spring air and having a grand time catching up with our friends out on their patio. The sky was clear of all clouds so every star in the heavens above were twinkling brightly. While sitting at the table, I happened to look up and see my middle child, Ethan, staring up at the sky with such wonder and innocence. He had the slightest little smile on his face as he was singing softly “Twinkle, Twinkle” to the stars. It was a completely unscripted and private moment for him that turned into an eye awakening experience for me. I was so touched by my baby boy’s innocence that I became choked up and tears began to prick my eyes. I immediately had a sense that there was some lesson or reminder that God was trying to drive home.

I’m a star gazer. There aren’t many cloudless nights around here, but when there is and I happen to be outside, you can bet that I will be admiring the stars. There’s something about looking up and feeling so small that reminds me just how big and majestic God really is. I remember one evening in particular last year that I was watching a meteor shower. As I was waiting for another moment to “ooh” and “ahh”, I became very aware of God’s presence all around me. I could “feel” Him say, “See what I have created for you? I love you that much!” What an emotional moment that left a huge impression on my heart! It was definitely one of those rare “Daddy/Daughter” moments with my Heavenly Father. I wish those moments happened more often, then again if they did, I’d probably take them for granted and I’m sure that’s the last thing God would want me to do, especially since I take everything for granted to some degree.

With all the horrific events that happen every single day (Most markedly, yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon) it’s easy to lose sight of the goodness in God’s creation. His divine fingerprint can be found on everything we experience. We don’t have to be at the Grand Canyon or gaze upon the Rocky Mountains in order to experience the awesome power that is God. We can find Him in every flower, in every land animal, in every creature of the sea, in every bird of the air and in every sunset. He is the author of all life, and I am thankful that He puts breath in my lungs so that I can experience this life, and ultimately, experience Eternity with Him.

I don’t think Ethan realizes it, but I believe he was communing with God that night. I asked him later when we came home how he felt in that moment. He smiled and said, “I felt happy and the stars were happy, too.” We should all be like an innocent child and be in awe every time God reveals Himself to us through His creation or through the teachable moments He so often bestows upon us. I know He used my precious boy to serve as a reminder for me to continue my search for Him in everything (and everyone) around me. There are days that I just can’t seem to feel Him with me (even though He is there), but I pray I never become so disconnected that I can’t look up at a starry sky and feel loved.

But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”- Matthew 19:14

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